Tariff Regulations


The Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Multi Year Tariff regulations dated 29th March 2016. The regulation is effective from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2021. The primary purpose of these regulations is to determine the tariff in all cases covered under these Regulations.

Gujarat Electricity Grid Code, 2013

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Resolution By
Notification No. and date
L 2IRNP/G/GNR-84 Dated 16.06.2013
1. To define roles and functionaries for STU and SLDC.
2. To provide the technical, design criteria and the procedures to be applied by the STU and other users for planning and development of the power system.
3. To provide the technical criteria and standards to be complied with by STU, transmission licensees, the generating companies, distribution licensees and other users connected or seeking connection to the transmission system.
4. To provide the various System Operation Code such as Operation Planning and Security, System Operation, Metering and Protection Code, Monitoring of generation and drawal and Contingency Planning etc.
5. To provide Implementation and Operation of the Grid Code and procedures for dispute settlement.
[Chapter 1]
Regulations called as
Planning Code for Intra-state Transmission- Introduction
1. System Planning specifies the technical and design criteria and procedures to be adopted by STU for the planning and development of the Transmission System.
2. Reinforcements and extensions to the system arises due to:
2.1 Development on a user's system already connected to the Transmission System as a user development
2.2. Introduction of a new Connection Point/ Interface Point between a user's system and the Transmission System
2.3. Steady state and transient stability considerations
3. The work of such reinforcement and extension to the Transmission System may also involve work at a Connection Point / Interface Point of a generating company/Distribution Licensee to the Transmission System. It requires planning in advance, duly allowing sufficient lead time by considering following:
3.1. Time required for detailed engineering, design and construction work to be carried out.
3.2. Time required for obtaining all the necessary statutory approvals like notification in government gazette and leading newspapers, PTCC clearance, forest clearance etc.
[clause 4]
Planning Code for Intra-state Transmission- Objective
To formulate the standards and procedures for the system planning for STU to enable an efficient, coordinated, secure and economical intra- state transmission system in order to satisfy the requirements of demand and generation.

[clause 4]
Planning Code for Intra-state Transmission- Scope
1. System studies
2. Assessment of system data
3. Assessment of generation availability
4. Planning criteria
5. Security conditions required for maintaining specified degree of reliability
6. Criteria for substation planning
7. Estimation of Reactive Power compensation required

[Annexure A clause 1]
Planning Code for Intra-state Transmission- Planning Philosophy
1. CEA will formulate a perspective transmission plan for the Inter-State Transmission System, as well as the intra-state transmission system.
2. These perspective plans would be continuously updated to take care of revisions in load projections and generation scenarios, considering the seasonal and daily variations.
3. In formulating the perspective transmission plan, the transmission requirement for evacuating power from renewable energy sources shall also be taken care of.
4. The STU shall carry out the planning process from time to time, as per the requirement for identification of the intra-state transmission system, including the transmission system associated with generation projects and system strengthening schemes, which shall fit in with the perspective plan developed by CEA.
5. In addition to the intra-state transmission system, the STU shall plan, from time to time, system strengthening schemes, the need of which may arise to overcome the constraints in power transfer and to improve the overall performance of the grid.
6. All users will supply to the STU, the desired planning data from time to time to enable to formulate and finalise its plan.
[clause 4.7-4.13]
Planning Code for Intra-state Transmission- Criterion
1. The transmission plan shall be formulated keeping in mind the CEA Manual on Transmission Planning Criteria, 2013
2. Planning Criteria shall be adopted with modification as stated below:
2.1. Steady state voltage limits and security standards for withstanding outages
2.2. Line Loading Limits
2.3. Addition of new transmission lines to avoid overloading of existing system
2.4. Upgradation of the existing transmission lines such as raising height of conductor supports and / or switch over to insulated cross-arms to facilitate change over to higher voltage
2.5. Reconductoring of the existing transmission line with higher size of conductors or with AAAC (All Aluminium Alloy Conductor)
2.6 The choice of modification shall be based on cost, reliability, right of way requirements, energy losses, down time etc.
2.7. All single circuit lines shall be planned with double circuit towers, wherever technically feasible, to enable future expansion without right-of-way problems.
[Annexure A clause 6]
Planning Code for Intra-state Transmission- Planning Data
1. All users shall furnish all the data to STU from time to time categorised as Planning Data Requirement from the generating and the distribution company
2. The data pertaining to the Generating Station including CPPs and Generating Units owned by Distribution Licensee shall be updated on addition of Generating Units/modification of the Distribution Systems.
3. To enable the users to coordinate planning, design and operation of their plants and systems with the Transmission System, they may seek certain salient data of the Transmission System as applicable to them.
5. The planning code of Indian Electricity Grid Code, (IEGC) which calls for data exchange, shall also apply to the Generating Companies, CPPs, IPPs, Transmission Licensee, Utilities and Distribution Licensees, regarding generation / transmission of energy from Inter State Transmission Systems.
6. The one-time data shall be submitted within six months from the date the Grid Code comes into effect, by all the concerned to STU.
7. The data other than this one-time data, shall be made available to STU on the first of April and first of October, every year.
[clause 4.24-4.27]
Planning Code for Intra-state Transmission- Implementation of Transmission Plan
The actual program of implementation of transmission lines, interconnecting transformers, reactors/capacitors and other transmission elements will be in accordance with the detailed procedures mentioned in the CERC (Grant of Connectivity, long-term access and medium-term Open Access in inter-state transmission and related matters) Regulations, 2009 and GERC (Terms and Conditions of Intra State Open Access) Regulations, 2011.
[clause 4.28]
Connection Code/ Grid connectivity- Introduction
STU and Users connected to, or seeking connection to Gujarat Grid, shall comply with CEA (Technical Standards for connectivity to the Grid) Regulations, 2007 which specifies the minimum technical and design criteria and GERC (Terms and Conditions of Intra-state Open Access) Regulations, 2011.
[clause 5]
Connection Code/ Grid connectivity- Objective
1. To ensure the safe operation, integrity and reliability of the grid
2. To ensure that any new or modified connections, when established, shall neither suffer unacceptable effects due to its connection to the transmission system nor impose unacceptable effects on the system of any other connected agency
3. To ensure that a prospective user is well informed, in advance, of the standards and conditions that his system has to meet, for being integrated into the existing power system
[clause 5]
Connection Code/ Grid connectivity- Scope
The connection code applies to STU and all users connected to or seeking connection to the Gujarat Grid and embedded in the intra-state systems.
[clause 5.1]
Connection Code/ Grid connectivity- Procedure for connection
1. A user seeking to establish new or modified arrangement of connection to or for use of Gujarat Grid , shall submit an application on standard format to STU or Distribution Licensee , in accordance with GERC (Terms and Conditions for Intra-state Open Access) Regulations,2011.
2. The STU/Distribution Licensee, shall process the application for grant of connectivity in accordance with these regulations.
[clause 5.2]
Connection Code/ Grid connectivity- Connection Agreement
A connection agreement shall be signed by the applicant with STU, or with the Distribution Licensee as the case may be, in accordance with the GERC (Terms and Conditions for Intra-state Open Access) Regulations, 2011.
[clause 5.3]
Connection Code/ Grid connectivity- Important technical requirements for connectivity to the grid
1. Reactive Power Compensation: Reactive Power compensation and/or other facilities shall be provided by STUs, and users connected to Gujarat Grid as far as possible in the low voltage systems close to the load points
2. Data and Communication Facilities: Reliable and efficient speech and data communication systems shall be provided to facilitate necessary communication and data exchange
3. All users, STUs and CTU shall provide systems to telemeter power system parameters such as flow, voltage and status of switches/ transformer taps etc. in line with interface requirements and other guideline made available by RLDC.
4. System Recording Instruments: Recording instruments such as Data Acquisition System/Disturbance Recorder/Event Logging Facilities/Fault Locator (including time synchronization equipment) shall be provided
5. Responsibilities for Safety: STU and the concerned users shall be responsible for safety
6. Cyber Security: All utilities shall have in place, a cyber security framework to identify the critical cyber assets and protect them so as to support reliable operation of the grid.
7. Wind and solar generating stations connected at 66 kV and above shall be capable of supplying dynamically varying reactive power support
[clause 5.4-5.9]
Connection Code/ Grid connectivity- Schedule of assets of Regional Grid
STU and other transmission licensees granted license by GERC shall submit annually to GERC by 30th September each year, a schedule of transmission assets, which constitute the state grid as on 31st March of that year indicating ownership on which SLDC has operational control and responsibility.
[clause 5.10]
Corrigendum/ Amendment, if any